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Call For Artists

The Garden Show

Leaf Pattern Design

Exploring Nature's Presence in Our Daily Lives Through the Garden

The Garden Show exhibit invites artists in the greater Cascadia area to submit work that responds to the prompt: How does nature show up in our everyday lives through a garden?

Historically, gardens have been designed to tame the wild with the use of landscaping tools and chemicals. In more recent years, gardening has become aligned with the effort to create pollinator/bird/animal-friendly green spaces and has helped to increase the use of native plants and to reduce the use of chemicals. In this exhibit, artists are reckoning with the concepts of traditional and non-traditional standards of beauty as they explore the wild in our everyday lives. Pieces must depict a garden/green space or be made to be placed in a garden. All mediums are accepted: paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, ceramic art and textile/fabric arts.

Front sign with flowers.jpg
front w lupin.jpg
building w forged togther sculpture and flowers.jpg

How to Submit Your Work for The Garden Show:

This is an Open Show with a $20 entry fee (non-juried). 

Artists may submit up to 2 pieces for inclusion in The Garden Show .

Paintings or wall art can be up to 4 feet in height and/or width. Sculptures can be submitted for display inside the gallery or in the garden at TDAC. Garden spots are limited. 

Please submit your artwork via the following link (please choose one ticket in check out).

Submissions must be received by/before Thursday, April 11 at 5 pm.  

Timeslots for artwork delivery will be arranged with the artists between April 12 and April 14. 

Accepted artwork will be displayed at The Dalles Art Center Garden Show from April 18 to May 23.  

What artwork will be accepted?

All mediums are accepted: paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, ceramic art and textile/fabric arts. All works that adhere to the Garden theme and are submitted on time with the $20 submission fee will be accepted. This is a non-juried show and the entry fee is $20  (only one fee not per piece). 


If you have questions about what items we are looking for, please email Kris at


How should I price my work?

Artwork is a treasure, and the time artists puts into their work is valuable. A review of past sales indicates that the majority of items sold in similar exhibits were priced between $100 and $400. 

Artwork at The Garden Show will be sold at a 70/30 (artist/TDAC)% commission split for artists who are members of TDAC, and a 60/40% commission split for those who are not members. 

The Garden Show Opening Night Party:

There will be an opening night exhibit reception on Thursday, April 18. Dress in your best garden party attire! There will be live music, snacks, garden-themed craft cocktails, and prizes for the best hats!

Artists, we welcome any/all of you who might want to host mini-classes or demonstrations on your work. Please email with your ideas. 

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